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An Ordinary Man, Who Stares at the Ancient Gods,

While 'the two' Watching Each Other

This artwork of Kaan Ran's published on 2014 has an interesting feature compared to other studies. It throws in the audiences as an "ordinary man" through it's name: "An ordinary man, who stares at the ancient Gods, while 'the two' watching each other ". 

The study portrays belief-oriented ones from the creators of the dominant civilizations throughout the world in chronological order from top to bottom.



The bulky alien which sitting on the crystal quartz at below presents extraterrestrial life. Throughout the history there are traces of many extraterrestrial civilizations of first as saviors and then enslavers were found. The hat on the character's head has a symbolic meaning of this situation. The iconic shape of the hat is easy to associate with Napoleon and the conquest, it's a sign that the character and it's civilization once were involved with decisions on earth. 



The second part is a relief of an angel that seems like we used to see in churches, as it's right wing's below is open to the stars and only the left eye is visible with reference to the eye that sees everything tells that it's not that iconic as seen in the fact.



And the third step is the secret owl's one eye that's formed of crescent, it's covered but the most dominant character of the whole work. This character refers to the Bohemian order, nowadays it is more dominant than the other administratively but it is not considered completely in the same peace. The place of human being at the work is just a shy hand coming out from the hat. This vilification, effectively emphasizes how strongly each period has affected people as a theater.



The work has been created from two colors,  the tones of lapis stone and it's tissue represents the will that want to enslave civilizations, and the earth color was used for represents the superterrestials.



The last hidden character is the audiences I mentioned before at the beginning. The ordinary man who stares to the two ancient supposed Gods while they are watching each other. The purpose here is to make a feel of a reference to the new generation that witnesses such scenes and looks at from the outside for the human being who has been given a small place in the work. 


But this special work's strongest message is in subliminal level. The alien at below is at circular form and with the angel's thin and long form they creates an exclamation mark and this mark preceded the large V-symbol, which dominated the whole work formed of wings and it's a refer to that V-symbol. V meaning of a Victory that comes from the jinn.  Nowadays it's an obligation for the celebrities to do that symbol with their hands and it's not represents peace as many of us think. 


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