Ancient Scream Rising from Scotland on 1st of May
This study that the artist completed in 2014 informs integratively about the hierarchical structure of the organization which is named as the illuminati.
The name which is given to the work has got the importance in the analysis of work as in the other studies. This extraordinary design has been accepted as one of the best samples in its types in the short term.

The “stainless glass” which covers- overshades- the mechanism that represents the people’s life is the symbol object of old world system. While it seem to be protective, it is a part which fully covers the system that reflects the life, and the shapings on it have more than one duty.
8 flat prisms dominate on the surface of glass. When 4 corners of each prisms are multiplied with the main prism’s number, the result is 32. 33th corner which reflects the top management occurs with the combination of all prisms. There is the double-head eagle which reflects the power that the aforementioned fraternity makes in the center of 33’s assembly.
The main duty of shapings on the glass is to change the real color of light and to make the light
enter in the colors that it wants to have.

“Ubi dubium ibi libertas” means that there is the freedom in the doubt. It is not coincidence that this statement ends where 9 the number starts. 9 is the symbol number of devil jinnies and it is the last section before the night.
The devil jinnies have been associated with the manner to make the people feel statisfied from their situations that will not really be satisfied from the ancient times up to now.
It is a kind of the subliminal message related to the creatures which are skillful to damage the
reality perception of man who see themselves as responsible for this situation.

“Ad astra per aspera”; means that the difficulties are up to the stars. This word which makes a circle out of the shapings repeats in 13 times. It is considered that the watch is World according to the gnostic view. It is said that this word and the inward shapings around it are designed in a way to indicate the impassable limits of the blue which is stated in The Koran.
This writing which represents the stars and the brass rods hich are settled in the watch’s trunk symbolize 300 families.
The numbers of 3-6- 9-12 which include in the brass quadrant involve the different reverse triangle form in the prism. The triangles which consist of the inward and faded blue crystals have been settled as a reference to the myth of “ Four horsemen of the apocalypse”. The flat triangle forms which look to the opposite direction and are the hollow indicate the jinnies that provide the system’s processing through the gargoyle. The part which comes for 6 the number, namely that the day and night are connected, has been separated for the angel of death belonging to The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse.