"Esotericism, the hidden meanings and symbolism of various philosophical, historical, and religious texts. It may also refer to information understood by a small group, which is kept secret for larger groups. "
Esoteric Arts are used for refer to it's followers by acquire integrated information style of myths and symbols requirement it's aim. This tip-off and information transfer method, taught only to those who are "understands", has existed in different cultures for centuries. This world full of mysteries attracts the attention of many researchers, symbolists and conspiracy theorists like myself, in long time. This blog contains the re-readings of Kaan Ran Özsoy's personal works, who is accepted as best of the bests in this kind of works, by utilizing different sources.
The motive that motivated me to prepare the first series of Storytellers, Secrets of Kaan Ran, is a graffiti that I encountered in Spain when I went to holiday in 2015.
In this graffiti, which attracts me in the street of Madrid, "Arte de Kaan Ran" was written. The name of an artist whom I heard years ago was like calling me from an ecole by saying "The Art of Kaan Ran" in the streets of Madrid was impressed me and intriguing me. And I decided to do an extensive research.
At the beginning, I thought I was collecting information about the founder of a successful studio in the field but then this research became more intriguing.
I found that he had an unusual fan base, he was quietly introducing himself to the world in secret teaching and alternative narrative methods, while he had a successful career in the advertising industry for nearly 17 years.
The traces that he developed his methodology as opposing to the conventional education methodology, he lives in the countries, he has the private trainnings in many different fields from the economics to the psychology and he has the different perspective related to the world system have reflected on his workings with a modern and gnostic wording. Furthermore, his courageous articles, political studies, the key names for his works and these works’ publication dates seem to be the
reasons why the artist is so attrative for the certain part in the society, and he has drawn a unusual profile.
Another interesting subject is that this growth process especially with the effect that his name has got it has been successfully hidden. Kaan Ran has divided his career with the superficial popular cultural affairs and the personal workings which consist of the multilayered messages. He has distinguished himself from the works which are easily consumed, with his work which has a difficult perception and address to a certain education level as reading the knowledge as the main factor which distinguishes the personal works from the advertisement workings.
Katherine Kuznetsov who is one of the people who have received the artist’s works thinks that a great part of the art society manipulates the feelings while Kaan Ran manipulates the man’s viewpoints, and he emphasizes the messages that he wants to give as ignoring the feelings in each of his personal works. The common view of many people who have searched the artist’s workings is about that the main goal is to make the warnings. However, it is possible to find some foresights as you will recognize while reviewing the blog.
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